Anatomy of Sustainable ICF
Anatomy of Sustainable ICF.
3D multi-storey rendering details
Nudura insulated concrete form products provide highly sustainable solutions for creating better
homes and buildings.

Part of the Nudura ICF Series, Nudura Standard Forms are the largest standard blocks in the industry (8′ or 96″) and consist of two stay-in-place panels of expanded polystyrene (EPS) connected with an innovative hinged folding web.
Nudura 90° Form
The Nudura 90° Form provides a fully reversible solution, which means that you will not have to worry about planning out right and left corners ahead of time. Nudura also offers a 45° form, a radius, a taper top, and all of the accessories needed to ensure that the envelope of any home built with Nudura ICFs will be airtight.
Nudura Optimizer
The Optimizer form is specifically designed to be used as a height adjuster at the top of the wall, allowing installers to hit 17 different stack heights, from 4′ (1200mm) to 12′ (3600mm).
Nudura One Series Form
The One Series Form allows you to reduce labour on the construction site by eliminating the need to strip foam for elevator shafts, stairwells, and other areas that do not require foam. The unique design of the One Series Form creates a seamless transition between concrete and foam by allowing the concrete to meet with the outside edge of a Nudura foam panel.